
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


By Sai

Nguyen Thi Phuong
As I opened my Yahoo Messenger this morning, I saw this Yahoo! News and I just can't help but click it. You know how I love watching Fringe, right? I mean, I am so hooked! When I saw the caption and teaser line in this article about a woman's rapid aging, I said to myself, "This is so like Fringe!"

Apparently, it's true! The woman in the photo above mysteriously aged so fast! This is the same woman, Nguyen Thi Phuong, and we're talking about less than a 10-year difference in both photos. She was just 21 in the photo from the left and that old lady is still she, only 5 years older. Look at that! What happened?

According to the news, Mrs. Phuong that this was caused by an allergic reaction to a seafood dish she ate way back 2008 that lead to itchiness and later on sagging of her skin. She said, "“I was really itchy all over my body. I had to scratch even while sleeping. After one month of taking the drugs, I became less itchy but hives remained on my skin. Then I switched to traditional medicine and all the hives disappeared, together with my itching. However, my skin began to sag and fold."

Do you know any Fringe-like event? Please share it here so I can read! Let's pretend we're Olivia Dunham hahaha :))

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